More Lindy Hop for you, more trees for the planet!
As part of our Mindfulness Budget, SwingStep regularly donates to Click A Tree. It’s a little contribution to sustainability.
Tree Counter
Click here to see a detailed report (German only) from Click A Tree: 2021 Q4 Impact Report
With Click A Tree we plant trees while dancing

With each subscription you book, we put 5% of the net revenue into a Mindfulness Budget. One of the ways we use this budget is to donate to a German tree-planting organisation called Click A Tree. They use the donations to plant trees in areas which would otherwise become deserts, for instance in Ghana. There will be forests instead of deserts, which is not only great for the planet, but will also form new habitats for endangered animals and create jobs with full-time income for local communities.
Time and time again there are reminders that we need to be more mindful towards the planet and the world we live in. Supporting organisations like this is just a small step, but we are proud of every step we can take in this direction. By being a subscriber you can contribute to planting more trees. Every single one counts! What do you think – are you in?