Pay-it-Forward Fund
For most people in our community, Lindy Hop is much more than just a hobby. It’s a source of energy, a passion, a place filled with laughter and friendship.
We wish for as many people as possible to meet and dance together, no matter their financial situation. That’s why we decided to create a fund that’s available to anyone who wants a discount to help our classes fit their budget. We want Lindy Hop to be available to everybody!
Want a discount?
This money is intended for anyone who wants a discount. It’s important to us that you know that anyone asking for support does not need to justify their situation to us; you might be a student, or unemployed, or maybe you just want a little boost to fit classes into your budget. You don’t need to give a reason, just ask for a discount to find the right price for you.
And, if you hear that someone is staying away because of prices, please let them know about this option; they can just email us at [email protected] to get a discount.
Have a little extra?
SwingStep regularly pays into this fund, but if you can afford a contribution to the Pay-it-Forward fund that would help us a lot!
How to contribute
If you like our idea and would like to help too, you can support this fund by contributing to it.
You can make a one-time contribution via bank transfer – just send us an email and we’ll give you the details.
Or, you can sign up to a pay-it-forward subscription to give a monthly donation. Use the following coupon codes to adjust how much you wish to contribute:
- Contribute with 2€/month? Use this coupon code: PIF-2
- Contribute with 5€/month? Use this coupon code: PIF-5
- Contribute with 10€/month? Use this coupon code: PIF-10
- Contribute with 20€/month? Use this coupon code: PIF-20
- Contribute with 50€/month? Use this coupon code: PIF-50
- Contribute with 100€/month? No coupon code is needed
For any other amount, please contact us directly.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a project that we’ve worked with for a few years now. It’s been very heartwarming to see how the community cares about the people in it, and very rewarding for us to be able to provide funding so that more people can dance with us. Here are questions you might have about this concept:
Just send an email to [email protected] and we’ll help you through the process.
You can ask to reduce as much of your subscription or event payment as you feel makes sense for you. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request, while balancing it with our own financial situation – we want to maximise how many people can join our classes while making sure that the program is sustainable.
We believe that people will use the funding program responsibly. The fund isn’t meant to see how much discount one can get, to try to pay as small an amount possible, the way one might do with a big corporation. At the same time, the fund is meant to be used by anyone who wants help fitting dance classes into their budget, and we don’t want people to be shy about asking for a discount. Because we trust our community, we leave the reasoning and decision fully to the person requesting support and won’t demand any proof of their situation.
We’ll make the decision and respond to your email as soon as possible upon receiving your request.
Although this hasn’t been an issue so far, it’s possible at some point that we do not have enough funds available. However, if this affects you, we might be able to find other ways to make it possible for you to join our classes; just let us know about the issue and we’ll see what we can do.
Will others know when I supported the Pay-it-Forward fund?
No. By default and in line with data privacy laws, we will not disclose any names.
Because we’re a registered business, we need to pay 19% VAT tax on any money coming into our accounts, even if it is intended as a contribution from you to another member of the community. However, we decided to absorb that VAT so that 100% of the amount you contribute goes into this fund.
Offering financial support is a gesture of goodwill and generosity from our community to individuals; a request for support does not entitle an individual to receive a specific amount. Any rude or threatening behaviour towards our staff, or attempts to pressure them into awarding a certain amount, can result in exclusion from the funding program.
When signed in, you have an account page that lets you control all the details you need…
Under “Home”, you control your personal information.
Under “Subscriptions”, you can directly manage your subscription – you can change, pause, or cancel it any time. This is the place to change or update your payment method.
Under “Payments”, you can see your payment status and download your invoice.
If you need to change your password, please log out and then use the “Forgot password?” option in the log-in screen.
If you have any issues, please contact us.

Our inspiration
We were inspired by a couple who showed their love and passion for the swing dance community by paying for a fellow student’s courses, so this person could continue dancing and they could continue to meet in their classes. We felt that this was such a generous and lovely gesture, so we found a way to make it possible for more people to contribute to and receive this generosity.