Safer Space and Code of Conduct

We feel the Lindy Hop community is a joyful place, we get to meet great people. But it’s also part of the world, and therefore not perfect. Here are some guidelines to help make this a friendly, safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

What’s Expected

If something doesn’t feel right, please speak up. Be attentive to others and make room for them to speak up as well.

Ask for clarification if someone’s words or body language are not clear to you.

It’s okay to say no to a dance, and you are not obliged to give a reason. We encourage you to tell your partner if something is uncomfortable or hurts.

Alert us if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.

What’s Unacceptable

Intimidation, harassment, discriminatory behaviour; inappropriate physical contact, unwanted sexual attention.

How do I recognise this?

Anything that doesn’t feel good can be questioned. Anytime someone is not giving you enthusiastic consent, make room for them to speak up.

How should I react?

  1. talk to the person if you can
  2. Talk to someone in the team

We commit to listen to you, to support you in your needs and to take action.

Etiquette and Best Practice


  • don’t give feedback during a social dance unless it’s expressly requested
  • apologise if you collide with other dancers

Physical connection

  • If it’s painful, awkward, or too personal, let your partner know
  • Be open to changing what you’re doing if your partner is uncomfortable


  • wash your hands frequently
  • consider using deodorant, and mints or gum; avoid strong perfumes
  • maybe bring a spare shirt or towel if you tend to sweat a lot


  • no aerials on a crowded dance floor
  • be mindful with large kicks or steps
  • floorcraft: both followers and leaders watch out for your fellow dancers.