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Beginners / Full Pass Subscriptions / Classes / Online Program / Other Things

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FAQ for beginners

The most common word people use to describe Lindy Hop is “fun”! And we agree: What makes this dance so unique is that it takes the best of two worlds: a great connection to your partner balanced with an amazing freedom of self-expression.

But to stop at “fun” doesn’t do the dance justice. Lindy Hop was created in the 1920s in Harlem, a Black neighbourhood in New York City. It was born of hard times, of people creating something new, pushing past their stresses and troubles, defying racism and other hardships with joyous expression. You can learn more on our pages about History and Anti-Racism in today’s Lindy Hop community.

Contrary to many traditional partnered dances we know in Europe, Lindy Hop is centred around improvisation and freedom of expression. This means that both partners influence and create the dance together spontaneously, like a conversation between friends. It also means that there isn’t just one right way to do things, instead you have your own interpretation and can display your personality. It’s also a “social dance”, which means that we strive to learn how to dance with any other Lindy hopper wherever they might be from; in our classes that means that from day one you get to experience the joy of learning with a whole group instead of a fixed partner.

Our answer is: no! Well, sort of 😉

Lindy hop is part of a family of swing dances such as Charleston, Shag, Balboa, Blues and others.

Because this dance culture is not strictly defined by rules, as you continue dancing you’ll hear these words used in different ways. For now, you can think of Swing as a big umbrella that covers a lot of dances, and Lindy Hop and partnered Charleston are what we’re doing. Many dancers use the term Lindy Hop for both Lindy Hop and Charleston as well as Solo Jazz, since most lindy hoppers dance all of these interchangeably within the dance.

Today in the broader dance world, when people refer to jazz dance, they are usually referring to a dance style that appears on Broadway and other performance contexts, a discipline that’s connected to contemporary and ballet dance – and, incidentally, is usually danced to non-jazz music.

When we lindy hoppers talk about jazz dance though, we usually mean solo dancing to jazz music. Sometimes this is in the context of partnered dance – breaking away from our partner to express ourselves independently before coming back together again. Sometimes it’s a full dance on its own, alone or in a social environment with one or many partners (but without touching).

Solo Jazz, like Lindy Hop, has a set of so-called basics: moves and movements that are so classic and common that they appear in many contexts and that most experienced dancers know them. Often you’ll hear these most classic steps referred to as “vernacular jazz”. Vernacular means “of the people”; these steps were not created in dance schools or on stages by professional artists, they are movements that come directly from the everyday experiences and expressions of the people in the community – in the case of jazz, the Black American community.

Also, like Lindy Hop, the dance is all about self-expression, so a big part of Solo Jazz is to create your own way of doing things and putting your personality into what you do.

When dancing with a partner, we talk about leaders and followers. Classically, the person dancing in the role of leader initiates movements and directions and the follower interprets and actively dances them. However, there is no hierarchy to the roles and throughout the dance both partners continuously make decisions on how and where to go. This means we have two definitions of leading and following:

  • the basic position you take and which movements you tend to do: the leader usually starts the dance standing on the left side of the follower and starts moving with the left foot, while the follower is on the leader’s right and starts with the right foot.
  • the partner who initiates a movement is “leading” it and the person reacting is “following”. These actions happen independent from the basic role.
  • We can take this thought further and think of Lindy hop as a team creation: whether the team is you and the music, you and your partner and the music, or an entire group of dancers creating movement to the music. Partners and teams co-create the dance.

In Lindy Hop, we don’t see the dance roles as gendered. Our scene welcomes anybody to dance either role. It is also common for Lindy hop dancers to learn both roles as their dancing ability advances, and at a social dance to change roles every dance or even within one dance. So it doesn’t matter how you identify, you can dance either one or both roles.

In order for the leader-follower balance to work in class, in our regular partner dance classes we ask that you register in one role and dance that role throughout the full course. We do occasionally also offer ELEF classes, where you get the opportunity to learn both perspectives in one class. Those classes might be marked as ELEF in the title or description. If you have any more questions about this, feel free to talk to your teachers or send us an email.

Kris from SwingStep dancing with Adėle. Kris (wearing the blue shirt) is following, Adėle (wearing the white shirt) is leading.
Al Minns and Leon James. The one flying through the air is following 😀
Claudia Fonté and Maria Mallan; Claudia (the one with short hair and a light top) is following, while Maria (wearing a blue shirt) is leading.

At SwingStep, we encourage everybody to see themselves as dancers rather than “Leaders” or “Followers”. This is why we offer ELEF classes that give everybody the opportunity to learn the dance from the Leader and Follower perspectives. This is known as “Everybody Leads and Everybody Follows” or “Switch dancing”.

As the name suggests, when you take these classes, you’ll get the opportunity to learn the content from both perspectives. This will allow you to deepen your understanding of the concepts and ideas more deeply, dance with anyone in the class and never have to wait for the right amount of “opposite roles” to show up so that you can dance.

When you book a subscription with us, you’ll have access to any classes you want as well as all the online classes. If you have primarily explored the dance from one perspective, you can use your subscription to join classes that suit your experienced level in the role you have less experience in.

Question: What if I feel too challenged doing both roles?
Answer: We encourage you to take care of your own needs at this moment. For example, make an agreement with your dancing partner to either get the help you need or revert to your stronger role.

Question: What if I only want to learn one role?
Answer: We encourage learning both roles, because it makes you a more flexible dancer and brings more dancing opportunities (and also fun). However, we will not force you to switch roles. Take care of your own preferences and needs.

Question: What if I want to only dance with my partner?
Answer: We strongly encourage you to rotate and explore the dance with everybody in the class. However, we will not force you to rotate or switch. Take care of your own preferences and needs.

The quick answer is: most likely yes!

Here’s why: Lindy Hop is not a standardised dance with rigid rules of conduct. You can dance it slow or fast; choose relaxed and easy going steps, or flashy and even athletic movements. You can dance it in either role independent of the traditional stereotypical gendered roles. You can express joy, passion or excitement to just mention a few possibilities. These are just a few reasons why we can find people from all walks of life enjoying Lindy Hop.

So if you are looking for an activity that gets you moving and is fun at the same time, if you are looking for a world away from the everyday grind, if you are searching for a place where you can start something that will fill you with energy, then yes, Lindy Hop is for you. Learn more about this here.

It doesn’t have to be!

We want Lindy Hop to be available to everybody, so we have created a Pay-it-Forward Fund.

Want a discount? Use our Pay-it-Forward Fund if our prices don’t fit your budget. You don’t need to give a reason, just ask for a discount to find the right price for you.

Have a little extra? SwingStep regularly pays into this fund, but if you can afford a contribution to the Pay-it-Forward fund that would help us a lot!

And, if you hear that someone is staying away because of prices, please let them know about this option.

We hope so!

Our aim and vision for the SwingStep community is that anyone – from any background, age group and physical ability, of any race, gender or sexual identity – should feel welcome and at home at our classes and events.

To a great extent, we believe we have created a very welcoming environment for anyone interested in the culture of swing dancing. This is not to say that inappropriate gestures and uncomfortable experiences never happen in our community. However, we are committed to fight for you and support you with what you need to make our classes, events and community a place where you can be yourself and have fun without having to keep your guard up.

Common worries people have when approaching us for the first time are:

  • I don’t speak the language well
  • I’m too old
  • Are there other Black people?
  • Will the community be friendly to foreigners?
  • I feel a bit too overweight for dancing
  • I prefer to dance in the role that’s less common for my gender; will people support this or will it be awkward?

No matter what your concern, we hope that we can make Lindy Hop a welcoming place for you. If you ever experience any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us – talk to your teachers or send us an email. Also, please have a look at our Safer Spaces and Code of Conduct page to see more details on expected behaviour and how we handle difficult situations.

FAQ about Full Pass Subscriptions

We will prioritise who gains access to courses with the policy of trying to give as many students as possible at least one course. If we have capacity available beyond that, you can join more courses.

For fixed courses, where we keep track of lead-follow ratio, if we have capacity in a specific role and your participation will help with the lead/follow balance, you might get access to more fixed courses. So learning both roles is highly recommended.

We aim to make the experience as valuable as possible for as many participants as possible. And of course, we will adjust our offer to make it more likely that you will have something that you will find valuable. However, we can’t guarantee that there will be something for you every week. If we fail to give you a drop-in or fixed course for a week, we ask you to be understanding of the situation. However, if we’re not able to give you either drop-in or fixed courses for multiple weeks in a row, please contact us so that we can find a solution for you; this could be a refund in the form of credit or other solutions.

You can control your subscription, including pausing it anytime (unless you are using PayPal**), by going to your Account Page, under the “Subscription” heading.

You’ll continue to have access to the online content and classes until the end of the remaining 30-day period. After this period ends, you will no longer have access, and you will no longer be charged for the subscription; you can always come back to your account and reactivate your subscription to regain access.

If your 30-day period runs out before your ongoing courses do, please communicate with us and we can work out an arrangement together.

The benefit of pausing your subscription is that you don’t have to enter your payment details again when you restart, which makes the process much easier for you.

There are no charges for pausing subscriptions.

** If you pay with PayPal, your subscription can’t be paused. You only have the option to cancel a subscription and then sign up again, when you want to continue. This isn’t a big disadvantage, it just means you’ll need to provide your PayPal information again.

You can control your subscription, including canceling it, by going to your Account Page, under the “Subscription” heading.

You’ll continue to have access to the online content and classes until the end of the remaining 30-day period. After this period ends, you will no longer have access, and you will no longer be charged for the subscription; you can always come back to your account and reactivate your subscription to regain access.

Ideally, your 30-day period continues until your ongoing classes have finished. But if you need a 2-week grace period (i.e. your cancellation takes effect 2 weeks before the end of a course), that is fine. Just be aware that for those last two weeks you’ll lose access to the recap videos and online program, and can’t join any of the other drop-ins or lessons. But you can finish your current course that you registered for.

If you cancel your subscription, you will have to re-enter your payment details in case you choose to re-subscribe. There are no charges for canceling subscriptions.

You can ask for a rate that works for you via our Pay-it-Forward Fund. Just contact us via email and we’ll give you a discount code to use when you subscribe. We don’t have fixed policies for how much we discount; contact us and together we will find something that works.

Some weeks (for example during public holidays) we might not offer in-studio courses. During these periods we will focus on the online experience or parties. We hope you choose to stay a subscriber during these weeks to support us with financial stability over the holidays.

From the moment you sign up, you have committed to 30 day intervals that automatically renew. So for example, if your subscription starts on January 4th, your next payment date will be February 3rd.

You can pay for your subscription using SEPA or credit card (via Stripe), or using PayPal.

Stripe includes options such as SEPA direct transfer, which will allow for regular transfers directly from your bank account, without needing to use an additional account like PayPal.

If a payment is not completed, you will automatically lose access to your subscription and be moved to the Free Pass Subscription. Payments are made on the first day of each new 30-day period.

However, since we’re using a system that automatically takes care of this for you, hopefully this won’t be an issue. If you do notice a problem, please contact us right away.

Ideally, your 30-day period continues until your ongoing classes have finished. But if you need a 2-week grace period (i.e. your cancellation takes effect 2 weeks before the end of a course), that is fine. Just be aware that for those last two weeks you’ll lose access to the recap videos and online program, and can’t join any of the other drop-ins or lessons. But you can finish your current course that you registered for.

We designed the subscription so that you can join anytime you want, independent of our course dates. If your subscription starts earlier than an upcoming course, we invite you to join the drop-ins, and of course also use our online program.

Because you can join any time, it’s not possible for us to design our courses so that they align with everyone’s subscription. If you need to pause or cancel before you finish a course, that’s possible – just check the cancellation information in our FAQ for details.

We offer single-class tickets for drop-in classes: you can purchase them directly from each drop-in’s course page.

If you’ll take more than just one or two drop-ins, we really suggest that you consider getting a pass because it will likely be much cheaper for you than single tickets. You’ll have the flexibility to join as many classes as you want, plus access to our online program, and you’ll have full control to pause or cancel every 30-day period.

If you want to take a course with us, but you don’t want to commit to a Full Pass yet, you can book a 6-class-package. You can book for yourself, or for you and a partner.

If you do want to book a single week of an ongoing course (for instance if you’re an out-of-town visitor), then please contact us directly so that we can arrange it.

You can sign up for a pay-it-forward subscription and set up a monthly donation in the amount of your choice.

Or, for a one-time donation, simply send money via bank transfer with the description “Pay-it-forward Fund”. Contact us to get our bank details.

When signed in, you have an account page that lets you control all the details you need…

Under “Home”, you control your personal information, and you can give a default partner code, if there’s a partner with whom you regularly sign up to classes.

Under “Subscriptions”, you can directly manage your subscription – you can change, pause, or cancel it any time. This is the place to change or update your payment method.

Under “Payments”, you can see your payment status and download your invoice.

Under “Courses”, you have access to the online program.

If you need to change your password, please log out and then use the “Forgot password?” option in the log-in screen.

If you have any issues, please contact us.

FAQ about SwingStep classes

At SwingStep, we are passionate about teaching Lindy Hop, and we spend a lot of time developing concepts that provide you with the best learning experience possible. Our classes are designed to keep you in flow – that means we want to challenge you enough to keep the class interesting and fun, while giving you all the tools you need to succeed.

Because Lindy Hop is a dance that values dancing with many different people, our classes reflect that. During class, we rotate partners regularly, so you get the chance to practice the same movement with different people. A great benefit of it is that you really learn the technique behind the movement and can make it work on the social dance floor no matter who you dance with.

This also means that you don’t have to worry about how well you get along with a single person, since you won’t have to spend the entire class with just them. And it means you get to know all the people of the other dance role in the class fairly quickly without having to worry about finding something smart to say.

If you do sign up with a partner, the rotation also makes sure that both of you learn your best-quality dancing, so it makes your time on the social dance floor together more valuable. The rotation speed and group size will make sure that you will dance with your partner regularly throughout the class, just not all the time. If you are worried about the partner changes, please talk to our team and we will look for a good solution.

We understand that it can happen that you are unable to attend one or multiple classes for individual or personal reasons. We don’t refund any portion of your subscription fee due to missed classes. However, we can offer you the following options to catch up with the content:

Participate in the drop-in classes to catch up with the overall experience of dancing.

Use our online training program to learn the topic better. Note that we do not aim to have the in-person classes and our online videos to match. Please ask for advice from our team if you’re not sure which parts of our online offer are right for you.

See if there is a parallel class/course with the same content on another day that you can participate in. Ideally, ask a fellow student from your class of the opposite role to go there with you as a partner, so that your participation doesn’t affect the follower-to-leader ratio of that class. However, please note that if you and your partner do not have the appropriate experience or if the class is full, the instructors can ask you not to participate. This is not part of our official terms and conditions, but a gesture of goodwill from us to make it easier for you to catch up on missed material.

In addition, when we offer practice sessions, it’s a great opportunity to meet up with other students to train the material you have missed; and often a member of our team is available to help you and to answer your questions.

As part of each class, we provide a short video review, a “recap video” which you can access a few days later. These videos can be used to remind yourself of the content you’ve learned, or see what you’ve missed. You can find the full playlist of recap videos here (make sure you’re logged in). You can also find the Recap Videos page by clicking on the little person icon at the top right of your browser window.

You can try Lindy Hop right now from your living room to see what this dance can do for you! Get started right away, kick it up by yourself or with a friend.

Also, our Full Pass subscription comes with a 7-day free trial period, and you can join classes from the moment you start your subscription. A new fixed course might not be available just yet, but you can join a drop-in class right away.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It will depend on how much of the course has already started, what topic the course has and based on your experience.

If you don’t get access to a fixed course, you are welcome to still join any drop-in class that fits your experience level as well as taking advantage of our online courses and practice sessions.

If you have a confirmed spot in a course, and you no longer plan to attend, please email us right away so that we can offer this spot to another subscriber.

The short answer is: don’t hesitate to talk to us as soon as you struggle or there is any confusion – we are happy to help you!

Here are some ideas how we can help you in specific situations:

  • If you struggle with a specific move in class, ask for help or feedback immediately – typically your teachers have the tips that you need.
  • If you want to repeat chunks of classes or even the entire class at home, you can use the online program in addition to our local courses; as part of your Full Pass subscription, you have access to the Online Pass (that’s over 90+ hours of online classes as well as online training sessions). Be aware that our online classes are not intended to have the same structure and context exactly as our in-studio classes; ask us if you need advice for where to look.
  • If you are having a hard time catching up with the material, drop by during the practice time in the studio or online as part of the online membership (see calendar). Here, you can practice alone or with a partner. There will often be a teacher around; feel free to talk to them, they can for example show you short exercises that you can do at home on a regular basis.
  • Often it is a good idea to train within a group and motivate each other. Why don’t you make a training group with some of your classmates and dance friends? (Tip: ask around on facebook! In Heidelberg, use the community group “Heidelberg Swingt”.)
  • If you would like to fast-track your skills, private classes are ideal: we can offer tailor-made classes with a lot of individual feedback. Click here for more info or talk to your teachers directly.

All our courses are designed so that we share with you fundamentally important concepts, even from the very first class. If you have experience from other Lindy Hop schools, it may not be necessary for you to take each of our courses from scratch, but we have noticed that people have a more enjoyable learning experience with us, and learn important new concepts, if their first course with us is slightly below what they expected based on their prior experience.

Please go through the course descriptions to see which course makes sense for you. If you’re not sure, just talk to us at the studio or email us, and we will work to find the right fit.

We always try to offer a follow up course for your group, so you don’t need to worry about changing your schedule every 6 weeks. It doesn’t always work, but normally you can trust that your next course will be on the same day, and at the same time and place. So all you need to do is register in time.

It’s also a great idea to augment your fixed course, or take a break from it, and change it up by joining drop-ins for a while. The mixed-experience learning environment you’ll have at the drop-ins can be really valuable, and often in drop-ins we’ll work on topics that aren’t part of our regular fixed courses.

FAQ about the Online Program

Our Getting Started course is full of tips on how to use our video player, what content is in the classes, how to use zoom, and more. You can access this course as soon as you’ve created an account, even without an online pass.

We have regular zoom activities where you can meet someone from the team for questions.

You can also contact us through our slack and facebook communities, we’re happy to connect and chat there too – you can ask questions, you can send us a video to get feedback, whatever works for you.

Or you can send us an email with any questions.

In the videos, the teachers will speak English. However, in most of our online sessions you can also ask your question in German.

This is a troubleshooting help section so that you can quickly get back to dancing if something goes wrong.

The first thing we need to figure out is if your issue is “global” in nature, meaning if our server or website is not working and it’s not only you who are having this problem, or if the problem is local to your computer or phone.

Let’s start with a few steps you can immediately take in order to figure out if the problem is with your system:

Test 1: Is it your internet connection?

If you click on this link: https://fast.com/ You can test the current SPEED of your internet connection. If you are watching a video, the download speed is important.

You should also consider testing the STABILITY of your internet connection. We found this service online that can help you quickly get an impression of your stability: http://startrinity.com/InternetQuality/ContinuousBandwidthTester.aspx#run_in_browser (you don’t need to insert any of your information to get an impression of your internet stability, just click on the start test button and information will appear underneath it)…

Stop the test after you get an impression of your internet stability. If most of it is green, your connection is fine. If most of it is red, you might need to talk to your internet provider.

If your internet speed is less than 40 Mbps, consider reducing the video quality; that might already give you a better experience. Some services like youtube actually do this automatically for you, but we are mainly using vimeo (because they do less data tracking on you), and with vimeo you will need to change the settings yourself. Each of our videos has a little “gear wheel” at the bottom right where you can change video quality.

Another step you can take to make sure your internet experience is better when you don’t have a strong connection is to make sure to close any additional apps or tabs you may have open. Each opened browser tab uses your computer and internet resources. If you have a tendency to open a lot of tabs so it looks something like this on the top of your browser, it is possible that you are using up a lot of memory that slows down your overall experience.

Test 2 – Is it your browser?

There are two quick ways you can test to see if your browser is causing the issue. The first is to open up a different browser. E.g., if you use Chrome, open Firefox, Explorer or Safari and log into swingstep.com to see if the same problems occur there. If it’s working in the other browser, then there is something about your preferred browser that is not working with our website.

A quick way to test that is to open up an “Incognito” window on your preferred browser; log into swingstep.com from there and see if the problem still persists. (Each browser has its own way of offering an incognito window, so if you need to learn how to do that, do an internet search for “open an incognito tab” and add either your browser or phone & browser name etc and you’ll quickly find an answer.)

Test 3 – what about my browser is causing swingstep.com not to work properly?

There are several reasons why our internet browsers can mess with our online experience. Here are the standard issues that we’ve seen users face:

  • Browser Cache – your browsers cache is meant to save some website information so that next time you hop onto the site it is faster. Most of the time, this is great. But sometimes, it collects too much information and stops working. You occasionally should clear your cache to ensure good browser health.
  • Browser Cookies – not all cookies are evil 😉 if you block all cookies from a website, a lot of the features (like videos) stop working. You should regularly clear your cookies to make sure you don’t collect unwanted cookies, but it also helps you have a better internet experience. So, if you have a cookie blocker, you need to pause that on our site. Try clearing your cookies and try to disable anything that is blocking cookies from being used on our site.
  • Browser plugins – some browser plugins such as ad-blockers do more than just block ads. They sometimes also block useful cookies from being used on your browser. If you are still having problems with our videos, try pausing or disabling your browser plugins on our site.

Test 4 – Is your computer hard disk full?

Another tricky possibility is that the hard-disk space on your actual computer can block you from even opening internet pages if it is completely full. This is extremely rare, but worth looking for in case nothing else helps. 

Specific cases

Here are some specific cases that have happened to other members and how we were able to help them. Check to see if one of these applies to you too…

Problem: “I had a total error with the site. I could sign in at the beginning but when I checked the course and I clicked ‘completed’ it broke down and I can’t sign in anymore at the moment.”

Explanation of the issue: Today, many services add information to your browser search. Sometimes, after browsing the web for a while, you have so much information added to your browser that it exceeds the amount of information that can be transferred over the http headers. In this case for example, the information “course completed” was the drop that made the bucket spill over.

Solution: Try clearing your cache and your cookies. On a mobile device, this may mean that you need a browser cold-restart. (Unfortunately, every phone does this a little differently; to find out how yours works, perform an internet search using keywords like “How To Force Quit Apps” or “how to cold start” and include your phone model.)

Global issues

If you’ve tried all the above options and our site is still not working for you, it is very possible that the problem is on our side. Please let us know and we will troubleshoot on our side to fix it. And, of course, If we’ve fixed it from our side but it is still not working for you, please let us know so that we can troubleshoot together. Send us an email at [email protected].

Please don’t hesitate to contact us! Send an email to [email protected], describing the problem as specifically as you can, and we’ll get back to you.

FAQ about Online Pass Subscriptions

You can control your subscription, including pausing it anytime, by going to your Account Page, under the “Subscription” heading.

You will continue to have access to the online content until the end of the remaining 30-day period. After this period ends, you will no longer have access, and you will no longer be charged for the subscription; you can always come back to your account and reactivate your subscription to regain access.

The benefit of pausing your subscription is that you do not have to enter your payment details again when you restart, which makes the process much easier for you.

There are no charges for pausing subscriptions.

Please note that this option is limited if you use PayPal: you can only reactivate your subscription once the remaining 30-day period is over. If, on the other hand, you use Stripe, there shouldn’t be an issue.

You can control your subscription, including canceling it, by going to your Account Page, under the “Subscription” heading.

You will continue to have access to the online content until the end of the remaining 30-day period. After this period ends, you will no longer have access, and you will no longer be charged for the subscription; you can always come back to your account and reactivate your subscription to regain access.

If you cancel your subscription, you will have to re-enter your payment details in case you choose to re-subscribe. There are no charges for canceling subscriptions.

You can ask for a rate that works for you via our Pay-it-Forward Fund. Just contact us via email and we’ll give you a discount code to use when you subscribe. We don’t have fixed policies for how much we discount; contact us and together we will find something that works.

From the moment you sign up, you have committed to 30 day intervals that automatically renew. So for example, if your subscription starts on January 4th, your next payment date will be February 3rd.

You can pay for your subscription using SEPA or credit card (via Stripe), or using PayPal.

Stripe includes options such as SEPA direct transfer, which will allow for regular transfers directly from your bank account, without needing to use an additional account like PayPal.

If a payment is not completed, you will automatically lose access to your subscription and be moved to the Free Pass Subscription. Payments are made on the first day of each new 30-day period.

However, since we’re using a system that automatically takes care of this for you, hopefully this won’t be an issue. If you do notice a problem, please contact us right away.

You can sign up for a pay-it-forward subscription and set up a monthly donation in the amount of your choice.

Or, for a one-time donation, simply send money to our bank account with the description “Pay-it-forward Fund”. Send us an email for details.

Yes, each person should have their own account when using our platform. If you need help covering the costs for both of you, you can use the Pay-it-Forward Fund.

Just contact us via email and we’ll give you a discount code to use when you subscribe. We don’t have fixed policies for how much we discount; contact us and together we will find something that works.

When signed in, you have an account page that lets you control all the details you need…

Under “Home”, you control your personal information.

Under “Subscriptions”, you can directly manage your subscription – you can change, pause, or cancel it any time. This is the place to change or update your payment method.

Under “Payments”, you can see your payment status and download your invoice.

Under “Courses”, you have access to the online program.

If you need to change your password, please log out and then use the “Forgot password?” option in the log-in screen.

If you have any issues, please contact us.

FAQ for other things

In our experience the level requirements in different schools, cities and at international workshops can vary quite a bit. If you want to get a recommendation on which level will make the most sense for you, feel free to ask us. We can discuss it via email, or perhaps we can arrange for a teacher to consult with you during a practice time.

Yes! We have a full online training program for teachers: check out our Teacher Training Program.

If you’re interested in one-on-one training tailored to your needs, you can book a private session with us.

You can also hire us to come to your school and train your teachers.

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